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Scholarship: Terms and Conditions for Applicants

Are you curious, open to new challenges and passionate about technologies? We are happy to share the excellent news: Mobile-Signal-Boosters establishes a $1,000 scholarships for students who are keen on taking action for the technological development and advancement of the mobile connection all over the world. Communication is the core of human life, and, undoubtedly, mobile gadgets make it easier and help us to connect wherever we are. We strongly believe that mobile signal should be available everywhere, even in the most remote areas.

Basic Information About Mobile-Signal-Boosters Scholarship

Mobile-Signal-Boosters will grant a scholarship to the students, based on the essays, dedicated to the security and safety of mobile signal boosters usage, which they should submit before the deadline (please, see the details below). According to several recent research not many people know that in addition to the mobile signal amplification signal boosters emanate much less radiation compared to the mobile devices which are trying to find a better mobile signal.

Problem Description

21st century is righteously considered to be the golden age for communication as modern technologies make it easy, continuous and available to the majority of the people. At the same time, even though they are constantly being developed and upgraded, the technologies are not flawless. There isn’t a person who never had troubles with the mobile and internet signal which sometimes affects not only our good mood, but also prevents us from doing our jobs. According to the statistics about 73% of the people reside or work in the areas with bad mobile reception.

Luckily, mobile phone signal boosters are invented to help people who have such problems. These simple, yet effective devices provide us with the amplified mobile signal, bringing reliable communication back to us. Mobile-Signal-Boosters’ aim is to analyze how signal boosters influence our health and to confirm their safe usage. Thanks to your essays more people will know how to solve the problems with the poor mobile connection.


The winners will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship each which will cover their educational costs.

Application Deadline

Participants’ Profile

Application Process

In order to apply for the scholarship, the students are required to submit an original essay (minimum 1500 words) on one of the following subjects:

Mobile-Signal-Boosters encourages you to think out of the box and to come up with your own essay subjects which, in your opinion, are worth to explore. The board of judges welcomes such creativity.

The essays should include applicants’ full name, contact details (including phone number and address) as well as the full name of their educational establishment. The essays should be sent before the deadline with subject “Scholarship essay 2018” to [email protected]. One applicant is allowed to submit only one entry.

Please, note the following:

Results Proclamation

The list of the winners will be released at Mobile-Signal-Boosters within 30 days after the application deadline. Additionally the winners will get an email as confirmation of their enlistment. We wish good luck to all the applicants!

Protection of Personal Information

Mobile-Signal-Boosters takes the privacy policy very seriously. We guarantee that the information you submit is used only to assess the applications and select the winning applicants. Your personal data is not used for commercial purposes.

The Mobile-Signal-Boosters scholarship is dedicated entirely to raising awareness on the possibilities of getting better mobile signal with the help of mobile boosters and in no case endorses the idea of Mobile-Signal-Boosters’ products being the only means of resolving the poor mobile network issues.

Fed up with poor mobile phone signal? We have a solution to your problem!

All you need to do is to get in touch with our qualified managers and you will forget about network problems once and for all!

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